Loading animation

Abachi, Shahriar

Adjunct Faculty

Aban, Tania

Adjunct Faculty

Abdelkerim, Richard

Associate Professor

Abesa, Jose

Abramians, Arlet

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Abramyan, Nerses

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Abubekerov, Lucy

Adjunct Faculty

Abukhalil, Paul

Adjunct Faculty

Accardi-Harrison, Kelby

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Acevedo, Cody

Adjunct Faculty

Acker, Lauren

Assistant Professor

Acosta, Giselle

Adjunct Faculty

Adaire, Christine

Adjunct Faculty

Adams, Ryan

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Adase, Carrie

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Adler, Brian

Assistant Professor

Afuso, Carrie

Student Affairs Advisor

Afzali, Makan

Adjunct Faculty

Agredano, Hector

Assistant Professor

Aguayo, Nicholas

Adjunct Faculty

Aguiar, Joshua

Adjunct Faculty

Aguilar, Angie

Adjunct Counselor

Aguilar, Suny

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Aguilera Peraza, Marcela


Agulian, Alex

Adjunct Faculty

Ahmed, Katia

Adjunct Faculty

Ahn, Alexandra

Adjunct Faculty

Ahrens, William

Adjunct Faculty

Aivazian, Matthew

Adjunct Faculty

Akopyan, Armine

Adjunct Counselor

Al Jaberi, Hawra

Job Developer

Alameddine, Zein

Adjunct Faculty

Alamo, Alondra

Adjunct Faculty

Alani, Mayada

Adjunct Faculty

Albrechtsen, Ashleigh

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Alcocer, Brandon

Adjunct Faculty

Aldaco, Carlos


Alex, Bridget

Adjunct Faculty

Alexander, Natasha

Adjunct Faculty

Alexander, Tameka

Associate Dean, Outreach & Transfer

Alfred, Courtney

Administrative Assistant II

Ali, Lola

Human Resources Business Partner/Conf

Allas, Daniel

Adjunct Faculty

Allen, Alise

Adjunct Faculty

Allen, Richshell

Digital Media Technician

Allen, Richard


Allyn, Steve

Adjunct Faculty

Almendarez, Keshia

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Almonte, Vanessa

Adjunct Faculty

Alonzo, Brenda

Adjunct Faculty

Alshawa, Ahmad

Adjunct Faculty

Altamirano, Carlos

Director, EOP&S/CARE & Foster Youth Programs

Altman, Jonathan

Adjunct Faculty

Altounji, Myriam

Dean, Enrollment Services

Alvarado, Desiree

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Alvarado, Thea

Dean, Social Sciences and Distance Education

Alvarez, Pedro

Adjunct Faculty

Alvarez, Thomas

Adjunct Faculty

Alvarez, Angie

Director, Outreach and Guided Entry Services

Alzaga, Maria


Ambrose, William


Amesqua, Nicolas


Amouzegar, Ali

Associate Professor

Andersen, Barbara

Adjunct Counselor

Anderson, Kelly

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Anderson, Melissa

Assistant Professor

Anderson, Mackenzie

Adjunct Faculty

Anderson, Suzanne

Assistant Professor

Andrade, Anna

Adjunct Faculty

Andreacchi, Bartholomew

Assistant Professor

Andres, Annalee

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Andrus, David

Adjunct Faculty

Ansari, Alireza

Assistant Professor

Antonyan, Elvina

Business Analyst Specialist

Antunez, Ginger

Adjunct Librarian

Apiafi, Grace

Associate Professor

Appelbaum, Lauren

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Apsay Amurao, Roxanne

Department Laboratory Technician II - Health

Aquino, Sandra

Adjunct Faculty

Aragon, James

Board Of Trustee Member

Araiza-Rojas, Laura

Adjunct Counselor

Arana, Ingrid


Arana, Otto


Arana Chavez, Rosa


Ardeshiri, Minoo

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Arechiga, Jose

Police Officer

Arenson, Lauren


Arenz, David

Adjunct Faculty

Arevalo, Sandra

Adjunct Faculty

Arias, Esmeralda


Arida, Tamara

Adjunct Faculty

Armendariz, Eric

Adjunct Faculty

Armstead, Moriya


Armstrong, Darryl

Adjunct Faculty

Arntson, Jay


Arroyo, Lizzette

Adjunct Faculty

Asadoorian, Arpineh

Adjunct Faculty

Asadyan, Anahit

Adjunct Faculty

Ascencio, David

Adjunct Faculty

Ashcroft, Jared

Assistant Professor

Ashraf, Jamal

Associate Professor

Asistio, Lesley

Adjunct Faculty

Atalyan, Tatevik

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Ateeq, Ariana

Transfer Specialist

Atilano, Chellsy

Educational Advisor

Atkins, Sharona

Adjunct Faculty

Attebery, Warren

Adjunct Faculty

Atwater, Teresa

Adjunct Faculty

Au, Helen

Scheduling Specialist

Au, Tony

Graphic Designer

Avanesyan, Silva

Adjunct Faculty

Averette-Phillips, Omari

Adjunct Faculty

Axibal-Cordero, Allan Luis


Aye, Yelen

Adjunct Faculty

Ayers, Milan

Associate Professor

Ayoub, Bassam

Adjunct Faculty

Azar, Sharis

Assistant Professor

Azizi, Alireza

Adjunct Faculty

Azizian, Ophelia

Adjunct Faculty

Babaian, Robert

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Badalian, Anahit

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Badalian, Raymond

Adjunct Faculty

Badalyan, Irina

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Baden, Stanley

Assistant Professor

Baez, Sergio

Adjunct Faculty

Bagdasaryan, Karine

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Bailey, Andrea


Bailey, Tunisia

Supervisor, Campus Events

Bain, Conna

Benefits Technician

Bajah, Jeff

Associate Professor

Bajc, Natasha

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Bakenhus, Judith

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Baker, Mark

Adjunct Faculty

Bakhtiari, Mozhgan

Adjunct Faculty

Balajadia, Hilario

Adjunct Faculty

Balazs, Benjamin

Adjunct Faculty

Baldo, Mariella


Baldovino, Harvey

Adjunct Faculty

Balkis, Yasmine

Adjunct Faculty

Balta, Joy

Adjunct Faculty

Baltazar, Paula

Programmer Analyst

Banda, Peter

Adjunct Faculty

Bangham, Emily

Coordinator, Pathways First Year Experience (FYE)

Banh, Melvin

Library Technician III

Banh, Heather

Intermediate Clerk II

Banks, Michelle


Banks-Smith, Cheryl


Bannon, Barry

Adjunct Faculty

Bansal, Juhi

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Barbarino, Raffaella

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Barbaro, Danielle

Assistive Technology Specialist

Barbeli, Anamaria

Adjunct Faculty

Barber, Kireilyn

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Barboza, Matthew

Dean, Business Division & Enrollment Management

Barker, Daryl

Adjunct Librarian

Barkeshli, Sassan

Assistant Professor

Barnett, Denzil

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Barnhart, Lissette

Executive Assistant

Baronian, Tanya


Baroon, Ali

Adjunct Faculty

Barraza, Kevin

Assistant Professor

Barreras, Alisha

Administrative Assistant II

Barreto, Jose


Barrientos, Maria

Intermediate Clerk II

Barrington, Taylor

Adjunct Faculty

Barron, Sergio


Basilio, George

Adjunct Faculty

Baskerville, Ernest

Adjunct Faculty

Basteris, Mayra

Job Developer

Bauer, Lauren

Library Technician III

Bautista, Dawn

Administrative Assistant I

Bayardo, Amber

Adjunct Faculty

Beard, Cheryl

Assistant Professor

Beck, Jillian

Special Assistant to the President

Beck-Wegner, Noemi

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Bejarano, Irma

Temporary Instructor

Bejarano-Vera, Patricia

Intermediate Clerk II

Bell, Robert

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Bell, Joel

Adjunct Faculty

Bellali, Patricia

Athletic Trainer

Ben Ghorbal, Sarra

Adjunct Faculty

Bennitt, Brian

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Benson, Estevan

Adjunct Faculty

Benson, Peter

Transportation Coordinator

Berg, Christopher

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Berger, Timothy

Adjunct Faculty

Berman, Lynne

Adjunct Faculty

Bermudez, Vanessa

Adjunct Special Services

Bermudez, Linda

Director, K-14 Technical Assistance

Bermudez, Frank


Bernal, Ana

LGBTQIA+ Student Success Specialist

Bernard, Edward

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Bernardo, Zeudi

Adjunct Faculty

Berumen, Alonso


Betrue, Jason

Distance Education Technologist/Developer

Beucler, Alexis


Bhadha, Mithra

Adjunct Faculty

Bhadha, Bakhtawar


Bilandzija, Sara


Bill, Emily

Adjunct Faculty

Bjorkedal, Alison

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Black, Sarah

Adjunct Faculty

Blai, Lisa

Adjunct Faculty

Blake, Lesley

Adjunct Faculty

Blanco, James

Skilled Trades Worker

Blatti, Jillian

Assistant Professor

Bleckmann, Lorilyn

Adjunct Faculty

Blickley, Jessica

Assistant Professor

Blizinski, Bob

Assist Superintendent, VP HR

Bloodgood, Harry

Professor Emeritus

Blount, Gia

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Bober, Sharon


Bobich, Anita

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Bodis, Tracy

Adjunct Faculty

Boekelheide, Alexander

Executive Director

Bohorquez, Valentin

Adjunct Faculty

Bolen, Kari

Assoc VP Chief Diversity Equit

Boles, Margaret

Assistant Professor

Bonilla, Martha


Borisuthirattana, Wichanee

Adjunct Faculty

Borman, Terri

Adjunct Faculty

Borrege, Joseph

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Borromeo, Maria

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Bower, Susan


Bowers, Delbert

Adjunct Faculty

Bowie, Angela

Adjunct Faculty

Bowns, Kathryn

Adjunct Faculty

Boyd, Lee

Adjunct Faculty

Boyd, Cheryl

Adjunct Faculty

Boyden, Pixie

Adjunct Faculty

Boyle, Christopher

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Brackett, Trevor


Bradshaw, Stacy

Adjunct Faculty

Brady, Gail

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Brakebill, James

Adjunct Faculty

Brambila, Frank


Bravo, Adam


Bretado, Mayra

Brewer, Nicholas

Adjunct Faculty

Briggs, Ray

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Brito, Esmirna

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Broady, Brianna


Bronstein, Debra

Assistant Professor

Brown, Teejay


Brown, Akilah

Assistant Professor

Brown, Timi

Dean, Kinesiology, Health, and Athletics

Brown, David

Adjunct Health Professional

Brown, Martha

Assistant Professor

Brown, Kevin

Adjunct Faculty

Brown, Anthony


Brown, Malaika

Adjunct Faculty

Brownstead, Mark

Adjunct Faculty

Brutskaya-Stempkovskaya, Alice

Adjunct Faculty

Bull, James

Student Retention Specialist

Bullock, Devin

Adjunct Faculty

Burbank, Robert

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Burgwin, Michael

Adjunct Faculty

Burke, Raymond

Adjunct Faculty

Burres-Jones, Cara


Butcher, Sarah

Adjunct Special Services

Buxton-Pacheco, Victoria

Adjunct Faculty

Cabading, Domainlor

Adjunct Faculty

Cabral, Martha

Admissions & Records Assistant

Cain, Jeffrey

Assistant Professor

Cairo, Eduardo


Calandra, Carol

Dean of Student Wellness & Support Services

Caldera, Bitzareth

Adjunct Faculty

Calderaro, Nicholas

Adjunct Faculty

Calderon, Darnell

Research Planning Analyst

Caldwell, Richard

Lead Custodian

Callas, John

Adjunct Faculty

Campbell, Stephen

Adjunct Faculty

Campbell, Phillip

Adjunct Faculty

Campbell, Brendan

Adjunct Faculty

Campos, Roberto

Adjunct Counselor

Canela, Nancy

Adjunct Counselor

Cano, Christopher

Adjunct Faculty

Cantero, Francisco

Adjunct Faculty

Caporicci, Laura

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Carbajal-Ramos, Javier

Adjunct Counselor

Cardenas, Frank

Interim Executive Director

Cardenas, Madonna


Cardona, Ryan

Athletic Equipment Attendant

Carlisi, Karen


Carlson, Chris

Business Analyst

Carmody, Brian

Assistant Professor

Carnahan, William

Adjunct Faculty

Carnes, Amy

Carpenter, Charles


Carreon, Juan


Carter, Hannah

Adjunct Faculty

Casalegno, Silvana

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Casburn, Gail

Adjunct Faculty

Cascione, Domenico


Cashell, Judy

Adjunct Faculty

Casillas, Diana

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Casillas, Tony

Irrigation Specialist

Casillas, Crista

Upward Bound Math/Science Coordinator

Casini, Margie

Kindergarten Specialist

Castaneda Mariscal, Jose


Castanon, Jose


Castellon, Carlos

Assistant Dean, Northwest Site

Castillo, Otoniel

Adjunct Faculty

Castillo, Ricardo

Dean, College Life & Readiness

Castillo, Francisco

Adjunct Faculty

Castillo, Judith

Adjunct Faculty

Castro, Israel


Castro, Leonardo

Department Laboratory Technician II - Chemistry

Castro, Lilliana

Adjunct Faculty

Castro, Peter

Assistant Professor

Castro, Jacqueline

Adjunct Faculty

Catalano, Francis

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Catanese, Erika


Catlin, Barbara

Adjunct Faculty

Catt, Nicholas

Adjunct Faculty

Cepeda, Michelle

Adjunct Faculty

Cervantes, Rosemarie

Associate Professor

Cevallos, Jaclyn

Manager Academic Services

Chaboya, Francesca


Chae, Yoon

Adjunct Faculty

Chaffee, Lyman


Cham, Joanna

Associate Professor

Chammas, Dany


Chan, Corinne

Adjunct Faculty

Chan, Kevin

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Chan, Jessica

Principal Accountant

Chan, Rowena

Department Laboratory Technician I - Auto Shop

Chang, Keng

Adjunct Faculty

Chang, Eugene

Purchasing Clerk

Chang, Steve

Adjunct Faculty

Chang, Steve

Adjunct Faculty

Chang, Jeffrey

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Chang, Chiu Chin

Adjunct Faculty

Chang, Yang

Adjunct Faculty

Chang, Jocelyn

Associate Professor

Chang-Hou, Yu-Chung

Adjunct Faculty

Chapman, Tatiana

Adjunct Faculty

Chapman, Elaine

Director, Extension

Chau, Evelyn

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Chavez, Ana

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Chavez, Noel

Adjunct Faculty

Chavez, Edward

Adjunct Faculty

Cheeseman, Bonnie

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Chen, Rosa

Adjunct Counselor

Chen, Willina

Department Laboratory Technician III - Biology

Chen, Chia-Wei

Associate Professor

Chen, Cathy

Educational Advisor

Chen Lau, Sandra

Board Of Trustee Member

Cheng, Jack

Department Laboratory Technician I - Auto Shop

Cheng, Catherine

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Chess, Barry


Cheung, Kwun

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Cheung, Kwun Yu

Adjunct Faculty

Cheung, Amy


Chevchyan, Gayane

Financial Aid Advisor

Chew, Wesley

Adjunct Faculty

Chidiac, George

Director, Purchasing & Contracts Administration

Cho, Young


Cho, Dunnie


Cho, Jay

Assistant Professor

Choate-Ciletti, Elisabeth


Chodos, Daniel

Adjunct Faculty

Choi, Jung

Adjunct Faculty

Choi, Ying

Adjunct Faculty

Chow, Stephanie

Adjunct Faculty

Chow, Chris

Admissions & Records Clerk III

Chrisler, Matthew

Learning Assistance Center (LAC) Assistant III

Christensen, Jade

Adjunct Faculty

Chuang, Jenny


Chugani, Avisha

Counselor Assistant Professor

Chung, Roger

Application Support Specialist

Chung, Richard

Adjunct Health Professional

Chung, Nancy

Admissions & Records Clerk II - Veterans

Clapp, Deborah

Adjunct Faculty

Clark, Madison

Student Retention Specialist

Clark, Michael

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Clark, Chelsea

Adjunct Librarian

Claudio, William

Adjunct Faculty

Click, James


Clifton, DJ

Intermediate Clerk II

Co, Ashley

Adjunct Faculty

Coaguila, Diego

Adjunct Faculty

Coates, Julia

Adjunct Faculty

Cobb, Rebecca

Adjunct Faculty

Cobian, Nancy

Laundry Worker/Custodian

Cody, Robert

Adjunct Faculty

Cognetta, Susana

Adjunct Faculty

Cohen, Valli

Adjunct Nurse Practitioner

Colboth-Macleod, Jamie

Adjunct Faculty

Cole, Daniel


Cole, Jeffrey

Associate Professor

Colley, David

Business Analyst

Coltman, Lee

Adjunct Faculty

Columa, Elizabeth

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Condon, Jack


Conklin, Eamon

Electronic and Digital Fabrication Technician

Constan, Elizabeth

Department Laboratory Technician II - Health

Constant, Jack

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Constantine, Beville

Adjunct Faculty

Contreras, Elizabeth

Adjunct Counselor

Contreras, Monica

Teacher Spclst/Lrnng Disable

Cook, Douglas


Cooks, Linda

Adjunct Librarian

Cordero, Charmaine

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Cordova Vidrio, Denise


Coren, Amy


Cormack, Aisling Bridget

Adjunct Faculty

Cornelious, Ashlee

Alternate Media Specialist

Correa, Lisa

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Corrie, Carolyn

Assistant Professor

Cortes, Oscar

Intermediate Clerk II

Cortez, Lori

HR Technician II/Conf

Cortez, Jose

Temporary Contract

Cortina, Tim

Adjunct Faculty

Cosgrove, Erin

Adjunct Faculty

Costello, Lindsay

Adjunct Faculty

Coto, Monica


Cotter, Steven

Adjunct Faculty

Coulter, Suzanne

Adjunct Health Professional

Cousins, Tamiya

Learning Assistance Center (LAC) Assistant II

Crosby, Jeffery

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Cross, Solomon

Dean, Performing & Communication Arts

Crowder, Yvette

Intermediate Clerk II

Cruz, Monique

Adjunct Faculty

Cuevas, Reyna

Adjunct Faculty

Cummins, Brian

Director, Human Resources

Cummo, Salvatrice

VP, Economic & Workforce Development

Cun, Amber Sau

Adjunct Faculty

Cunanan, Glenn

Adjunct Faculty

Curiel, Francisco


Curran, Keith

Adjunct Faculty

Curtis, Carol


D'Agata, Maureen

Distance Education Technologist/Developer

D'Amico, Rita


Dadomo, Dante

Computer Support Specialist

Dai, Sheng-Qi

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Dakan, Michael

Adjunct Faculty

Dancer, Derrick

Student Placement Interviewer

Dang, Lan

Adjunct Faculty

Dang, Que

Executive Director, Student Equity and Success

Daniels, Alicia

Reprographics Technician

Dao, Jim

Financial Aid Advisor

Darbinian, Manan

Adjunct Faculty

Davidson, Lizzy Okoro

Director, Women’s Business Center

Davis, Andrea

Adjunct Faculty

Davis, John


Davis, Anna

Intermediate Clerk II

Davis Anderson, Cecile

Adjunct Counselor

Dawson, Connor

Adjunct Faculty

De Cuba, Hyacinthe

Adjunct Faculty

De La O, Ismael

Adjunct Faculty

De La Rosa, Veronica

Curriculum/Catalog Technician

De La Rosa, Cindy

Administrative Assistant II

De La Vara, Alan

Specialist, HS Relations/College Orientation

De Loera, Martha

Intermediate Clerk II

De Spain, Michael

Police Officer

De Vries, Natalia

Intermediate Clerk I

Deakins, Andrew

Systems Administrator

Dean, Tyler

Adjunct Faculty

Deatrick, Steven

PA Project/Design Technician

Deitrich, Jason

Adjunct Counselor

Del Real, Antonio


Del Rio, Jose

Lead Reprographics and Mail Technician

Del Rosario, William

Digital Media Video Producer

Delamater, Steven

Adjunct Faculty

Delapena, Alexander

Adjunct Faculty

Delesante, Patricia

Adjunct Faculty

Delgadillo, Kenneth

Adjunct Faculty

Delgado, Janelle

Adjunct Faculty

Delgado-Dean, Eva Marie

Accounting Technician

Derbedrossian, Romina

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Derdiarian, Armine

Dean, Career Technical Education

Desai, Rohan


Deukmedjian, Teresa

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Deville, Yolanda

Adjunct Faculty

Dewar, John

Adjunct Faculty

Deyto, John

Adjunct Faculty

Di Fiori, Russell


Di Santo, Anthony

Administrative Assistant I

Diaz, Alejandra

Adjunct Faculty

Diaz, Marco

Adjunct Faculty

Diaz, Candelario

Power Sweeper Operator

Diaz, Armando

Lead Custodian

Diblasio, Sera

Media Production Specialist

Dieguez, Kiriaki

Associate Professor

Diep, Matthew

Adjunct Faculty

Dimichele, David

Adjunct Faculty

Do, Andrew

Adjunct Faculty

Dominguez, Jose


Dominguez, Martin


Domondon, Kristle

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Dong, Crystal


Donnell, Theodore


Dorsey, Brian

Adjunct Faculty

Douglas, Earlie


Doust, Asma

Adjunct Counselor

Dovlatyan, Marine

Accounting Technician

Doyle, Matthew

Adjunct Faculty

Drago, Sandra

Adjunct Faculty

Drazic, Philip

Adjunct Faculty

Droege, Dalila

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Dunagan, Sean

Adjunct Faculty

Dunbar, Beverley

Associate Professor

Dunbar, Geoffrey

Adjunct Faculty

Dunn, Kathleen

Associate Professor

Duran, Gregorio


Duran, Angelica

Adjunct Faculty

Duran, Armando

Dean, Counseling and Student Services

Durst, Mary

Adjunct Faculty

Duthoy, Julius


Duvall, Jacqueline

Assistant Professor

Dwight, Peter

Business Analyst

Eads, Angela

Adjunct Faculty

Ebuehi, Daniel

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Edmonson, Joshua

Accounting Technician

Edwards, Jennifer

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Egbunike, Innocent


Eginyan, Avo

Adjunct Faculty

El, Omar

Adjunct Faculty

El Gamal, Zohaa

Adjunct Faculty

El-Issa, Anwar

Adjunct Faculty

Elawady, Eiman

Adjunct Faculty

Elcott, Samy

Adjunct Faculty

Elhawary, Nadia

Adjunct Faculty

Eller, Wendy

Adjunct Faculty

Ellingwood, Jennifer

Adjunct Faculty

Ellis, Angela

Financial Aid Intake Specialist

Emerick, Roberto

Maintenance Supervisor

Enamorado, Alexa

Adjunct Faculty

Encinas, Jorge

Assistant Professor

Endore, Gita

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Ennis, Kelli

Assistant Professor

Enriquez, Nelson


Epstein, Maura


Escalante, Edgard

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Escobar, Nancy

Adjunct Faculty

Escobar, Debanhi

Adjunct Faculty

Esparza, Jose

Adjunct Counselor

Espinoza, Anthony

Adjunct Faculty

Espinoza, Judith

Adjunct Faculty

Espinoza, Carolina

Assistant Professor

Espinoza, Maria


Esquivel, Monica


Estrada, Veronica

Adjunct Faculty

Estrada-Ceballos, Angela


Evans, Lexis

Adjunct Faculty

Evans, Jewell

Adjunct Faculty

Eversole-Cire, Pamela


Evinyan, Zarik

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Fabros, Michelle

Adjunct Faculty

Faccuseh, Maria

Associate Professor

Fairfield, Barbara

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Faljyan, Susanna

Learning Assistance Center (LAC) Assistant II

Farfan Oseguera, Jessica

Administrative Assistant I

Farrar, Robert

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Farschman, Kurt

Adjunct Faculty

Fasig, Sean

Adjunct Faculty

Fehrenbach, Paula

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Felix, Michael

Adjunct Faculty

Fennell, Bridgid

Adjunct Librarian

Fennessy, Laconia

Supervisor, Budget, Forecasting & Analysis

Fennessy, Christopher

Adjunct Faculty

Ferguson, Vincent

Adjunct Faculty

Fernandez, Kevin

Senior Clerk

Fernandez, Emily

Assistant Professor

Fernandez, Margaret

Adjunct Faculty

Fernandez, Ronald

Adjunct Faculty

Fernandez, Fernando

Adjunct Faculty

Fernandez, Rhodora

Adjunct Faculty

Fernandez, Eladio

Supervisor, Office Services

Fernandez-Presa, Rocio

Adjunct Noncredit Faculty

Ferrerosa, Joseph

Adjunct Faculty

Feser, Edward


Fiebig, Jennifer

Associate Professor

Fields, Melanie

Library Technician III